If the producer does not cooperate and simply publishes PDFs without such a cryptographic protection, you can still compare internal details of PDFs which should be created similarly. Unfortunately these secure methods require that the producer of the PDF cooperates accordingly when publishing the PDFs. Such cryptographic methods are reasonably secure if implemented correctly. that the producer of the PDF encrypted the PDF with a private key only known to them, and you decrypt it using the matching, probably public key.that the PDF producer shared the hash value of the PDF via a different, secure channel for you to verify, or.The canonical way to ensure that a PDF is not tampered with is by only accepting PDFs with digital signatures by the originator and validating them as Frank has already pointed out with a link to an Adobe forum. Kindly let me know in case any open source solution, preferably in Python. In tempered PDF, I have edited '2,412.00' under 'Credit' column to '12.00'. If the PDF is tampered then which part of the PDF has been tampered (using Python or any other opensource technology)?.Is there any concrete way to identify whether the PDF is tampered (using Python or any other opensource technology) ?.I am using Python libraries such as PyMuPDF, PDFMiner, PyPDF2 etc.

Info metadata and XMP metadata is not always present in the PDFs that I have so I am not able to create any generalized rule to identify tampered PDFs. I am working on identifying forgery/tampering in bank statements PDF documents.